What’s the difference between individuals and organisations that are effective in a global multi-cultural context?
The Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) 360 profiler measures a person’s effectiveness in an intercultural context and also predicts a person’s ability to adjust in situations characterized by cultural diversity.
CQ Drive is motivation. It considers the value or importance that people place on culturally diverse interactions as well as their self-confidence that they can function effectively
CQ Knowledge reflects a person’s understanding of how cultures are similar and different, and their knowledge of how the environment operates for example, the cultural norms
CQ Strategy measures whether – and how- a person would go beyond cultural awareness to develop effective strategies in the light of cultural differences
CQ Action measures the adaptability - or otherwise - of a person’s behavior for different cultural contexts
A CQ programme or CQS feedback session may only be delivered by an approved Cultural Intelligence Consultant such as 10 Consulting
“The facilitator enabled our change process, gently but firmly guiding us towards our transformation target”
Global Leadership delegate,
Orange Business Services
“Exceptional. A really great session.”
Lockabox, CEO
“Really good – willing to be open, flexible and to make good recommendations.”