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Focus on the needs of your employees

Focus on the needs of your employees

01 Mar 2016
Focus on the needs of your employees

Being a global manager in a changing business in these turbulent times, you can feel unsure if you are creating the right opportunities for your employees in the extended international organisation. You can change this feeling easily and substitute uncertainty with facts, simply by asking people of their expectations and needs.

There is a series of software programs running In the human being; just like in a computer. The first program is called meaning, and asks questions such as “What I am here for?” “What is expected from me?” “What is my role?

The second program is called loneliness, and is about people’s wish for contact, protection and being a part of a larger world. This program asks questions such as “Who shall I work with on the project?” “Who are my partners outside the project organisaton?” “Who can support me?”

The third program is called freedom, and is about people’s wish for grounding and structure. This program asks questions about the framework of the project. “How can I operate within this structure?”, and “What is expected of me in this context?”

The fourth program is called death, and is about people’s wish to continue after they have completed a project. “What will happen next when the job is done?” “ What will happen to me?“ “What will be my next appointment?”

If you succeed in keeping the four parts of the software running simultaneously, you will be providing a secure environment for your employees. When you have one-to-one sessions with your employees, you can follow these simple four steps:

  • What is your goal? Where would you like be in six months?
  • What is your position now?
  • What keeps you from moving towards your goal?
  • What will you do now? by Niels-Peter Thoms, MA,


  • Duerzen, Emmy van, 2007, Existential Therapy, Sage, London
  • Kierkegaard, S., 1954, Fear and Trembling and the Sickness unto Death, Garden City, NY, Doubleday
  • Nelson-Jones, R., 2006, Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy, Sage, London (pp199-225, Existential therapy).
  • Yalom, I. 1980, Existential psychotherapy, Basic Books, USA

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